
Pompeii Regio I(1) Insula 4. Plan of entrances 1 to 28

Pompei Regio I(1) Insula 4. Pianta degli ingressi da 1 a 28

Pompeji Regio I(1) Insula 4. Plan der Eingänge 1 bis 28

Pompeii Regio I(1) Insula 4. Plan of entrances 1 to 28 I.4.1 I.4.2 I.4.3 I.4.4 I.4.5 Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani. Linked to I.4.25 Casa del Citarista and I.4.28 Domus of Q. Octavius Romulus I.4.6 I.4.7 Fullonica of Passaratus and Maenianus I.4.8 I.4.9 I.4.10 I.4.11 Caupona of Copiosus I.4.12 Shop/Bakery. Linked to I.4.17 Pistrinum I.4.13 Shop and sweet pastry bakery with double entrance I.4.14 I.4.15 Taberna D. Junius Proculus, Linked to I.4.16/17 I.4.16 I.4.17 I.4.18 Workshop and dwelling of Sabinus I.4.19 I.4.20 I.4.21 I.4.22 Casa del Pressorio di Terracotta. Linked to I.4.23 I.4.23 I.4.24 I.4.25 Domus of L Rapinasi Optati, Casa del Citarista, House of the Citharist, Casa di Apollo citaredo, House of the Lyre Player, Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani I.4.26 Workshop of wool shop of Dionysius. Officina lanifricaria of Dionysius I.4.27 Thermopolium where a painting of gladiators was found I.4.28 Domus of Q. Octavius Romulus. Linked to I.4.5 Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani and I.4.25 Casa del Citarista

Pompeiiinpictures plan of this Insula showing the entrances. 

Each entrance has a specific page on our site with information and photographs.

If your screen is large enough (more than 853px wide) press the entrance you want on the plan to see the detailed pictures.

If you are on a smaller screen such as a phone or tablet you can use the links below to see the pictures either in detail or in quick outline.


I.4.1      Shop. Linked to I.4.2

I.4.2      House. Linked to I.4.1 and I.4.3

I.4.3      Thermopolium. Linked to I.4.2

I.4.4      Shop

I.4.5      Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani. Linked to I.4.25 Casa del Citarista and I.4.28 Domus of Q. Octavius Romulus

I.4.6      Shop. Linked to I.4.5

I.4.7      Fullonica of Passaratus and Maenianus

I.4.8      Shop

I.4.9      House

I.4.10    Shop

I.4.11    Caupona of Copiosus

I.4.12    Shop/Bakery. Linked to I.4.17 Pistrinum

I.4.13 and I.4.13A    Shop and sweet pastry bakery with double entrance

I.4.14    Shop. Linked to I.4.13

I.4.15    Taberna D. Junius Proculus, Linked to I.4.16/17

I.4.16    Shop. Linked to I.14.15 and I.4.17

I.4.17    Shop. Linked to I.4.12, I.4.13, I.4.15 and I.4.16

I.4.18    Workshop and dwelling of Sabinus

I.4.19    Shop with rear room

I.4.20    Shop. Linked to I.4.21

I.4.21    Steps to upper floor

I.4.22    Casa del Pressorio di Terracotta. Linked to I.4.23

I.4.23    Shop. Linked to I.4.24 and I.4.22

I.4.24    Shop. Linked to I.4.23

I.4.25 Quickie  Domus of L Rapinasi Optati, Casa del Citarista, House of the Citharist, Casa di Apollo citaredo, House of the Lyre Player, Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani - Quick overview

I.4.25 Detail    Domus of L Rapinasi Optati, Casa del Citarista, House of the Citharist, Casa di Apollo citaredo, House of the Lyre Player, Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani - Detailed view

I.4.26    Workshop of wool shop of Dionysius. Officina lanifricaria of Dionysius

I.4.27    Thermopolium where a painting of gladiators was found

I.4.28    Domus of Q. Octavius Romulus. Linked to I.4.5 Domus Popidi Secundi Augustiani and I.4.25 Casa del Citarista   




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 02-Jun-2024 21:07