
57. Boscoreale, Villa Regina. Villa rustica in Contrada Villa Regina, not far from the Sarno Canal.

Excavated 1977-80. Surrounding land excavated 1980, 1982 and 1983.


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Casale A., Bianco A., Primo contributo alla topografia del suburbio pompeiano: Supplemento al n. 15 di ANTIQUA ottobre-dicembre 1979, 62, p. 41.

Ritrovamento, controllato dal Centro Studi Archeologici di Boscoreale e Boscotrecase, di cui non si ha documentazione e di archivio.

De Caro, S., 1977. Pagus Augustus Felix Suburbanus: Cronache Pompeiane, 3, p. 217.

De Caro, S., 1994. La Villa Rustica in Località Villa Regina a Boscoreale. Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider.

Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas.

Jashemski, W. F., 2014. Discovering the Gardens of Pompeii: The Memoirs of a Garden Archaeologist 1955 – 2004.


Villa Regina Antiquarium Station, September 2021. Looking towards entrance to railway station. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina Antiquarium Station, September 2021. Looking towards entrance to railway station. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2018. Entrance doorway to Antiquarium and Villa Regina. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2018. Entrance doorway to Antiquarium and Villa Regina. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


West side


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards north and west sides. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards north and west sides. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina Antiquarium, September 2021. 
Looking towards west side, with rooms IV – VII – II – Ixbis – XII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Looking towards west side, with rooms IV – VII – II – IXbis – XII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards west side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017. Looking towards the west side. Photo courtesy Adrian Hielscher.
On the right can be seen the route of an ancient country lane running through the vineyard.
A footpath also led through the vineyard leading to the doorway into the north portico.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017. Looking towards the west side. Photo courtesy of Adrian Hielscher.

On the right can be seen the route of an ancient country lane running through the vineyard.

A footpath also led through the vineyard leading to the doorway into the north portico.


Villa Regina Antiquarium, September 2021. Looking towards north-west side. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards north-west side. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. 
Looking towards doorway in west side leading to north portico. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023.

Looking towards doorway in west side leading to north portico. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1978, a virtually intact portico roof at the time of its discovery.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1978, a virtually intact portico roof at the time of its discovery.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1978, looking south-west across the villa in course of excavation.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1978, looking south-west across the villa in course of excavation.


North side


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards north side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards north side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking north-west. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking north-west at north side. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina Antiquarium, September 2021. Looking towards north side with rooms IV – VIII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards north side with east side, on left. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


East side.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards east side, with north side, on right. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards east side, with north side, on right. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards east side. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking towards east side. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina Antiquarium, September 2021. 
Looking towards east side with rooms XVI - Vbis - I - XVII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Looking towards east side with rooms XVI - Vbis - I - XVII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017. 
Looking towards east side with doorway from barn to threshing terrace, on north end of east side, (on right).
Photo courtesy Adrian Hielscher.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017.

Looking towards east side with doorway from barn to threshing terrace, on north end of east side, (on right). Photo courtesy of Adrian Hielscher.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. July 2010. East side. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. July 2010. Looking towards east side. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. East side.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. East side.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards south end of east side with room XVI.  Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards south end of east side with room XVI.  Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. 
Looking north from south end of east side, from exterior of room XVI towards threshing terrace XVII, in centre. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Looking north from south end of east side, from exterior of room XVI towards threshing terrace XVII, in centre. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina Antiquarium, September 2021. 
Detail on east side near exterior of room XVI, looking north. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Detail on east side near exterior of room XVI, looking north. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1984. South end of east side of villa.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1984. South end of east side of villa, rooms Vbis – XVI, with ancient roadway, on the left.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



South side with Entrance doorway.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Looking east along the south side, towards entrance doorway XIV, centre right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking east along the south side, towards entrance doorway XIV, centre right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. 
Looking towards entrance doorway XIV on south side of villa. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023.

Looking towards entrance doorway XIV on south side of villa. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Looking towards south side of villa with entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking towards south side of villa with entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. South side of villa with entrance doorway XIV.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. South side of villa with entrance doorway XIV.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. Cast of tree and south-west corner of villa.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. Cast of tree and south-west corner of villa.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. 
Looking south towards cast of tree. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Looking south towards plaster-cast of tree. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Cast of fossilised trunk at Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006.
Looking north towards plaster-cast of tree and towards entrance doorway XIV.

Cast of fossilised trunk at Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006.

Looking north towards plaster-cast of tree and towards entrance doorway XIV.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking west along south side towards entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking west along south side towards entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards south side with entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. Looking towards south side with entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Looking east towards entrance doorway XIV.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Looking east along the south side, towards entrance doorway XIV.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards south side with entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. Looking towards south side with entrance doorway XIV. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. Looking north towards entrance doorway XIV.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. Looking north towards entrance doorway XIV, with plaster-casts of doorway.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Entrance doorway XIV, with casts of doors on either side of entrance doorway.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Entrance doorway XIV, with casts of doors on either side of entrance doorway.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. Main entrance XIV on south side.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. 1983. Main entrance XIV on south side.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Main entrance XIV, with plaster-cast of doors on both sides of opening. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Main entrance XIV, with plaster-cast of doors on both sides of opening. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Main entrance XIV, looking south towards detail of lower doorway. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Main entrance XIV, looking south towards detail of lower doorway. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. 
Looking north from entrance doorway towards west portico VII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Looking north from entrance doorway towards west portico VII. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking north along west portico VII. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Looking north along west portico VII. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Looking north from entrance doorway towards east side of portico VII. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking north from entrance doorway towards east side of west portico VII. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Looking south towards entrance doorway, with doorway to room X, on left, and to room XII, on right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking south towards entrance doorway, with doorway to room X, on left, and to room XII, on right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. Cast of door and doorway of room XII, on left side of entrance doorway.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. May 2006. Cast of door and doorway of room XII, on west (left) side of entrance doorway.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Room XII, looking north-west through doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Room XII, looking north-west through doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room XII, storeroom, north wall with casts of shelves. In this room a large quantity of pottery and farm implements were found.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room XII, storeroom, north wall with casts of shelves.

In this room a large quantity of pottery and farm implements were found.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023.
Room XII, looking towards east end of north wall of storeroom, with plaster-casts of shelves.
Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023.

Room XII, looking towards east end of north wall of storeroom, with plaster-casts of shelves.

Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Room XII, storeroom, looking towards north wall. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2023. Room XII, storeroom, looking towards north wall. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room XII, looking west.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room XII, looking west.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. Found in a storeroom.  Two handled clay jar used for handling and storing food. Now in Boscoreale Antiquarium.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. Found in a storeroom.

Two handled clay jar used for handling and storing food.

Now in Boscoreale Antiquarium.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Doorway to room X, cubiculum on east side of entrance doorway XIV.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006.

Doorway to room X, cubiculum on east (right) side of entrance doorway XIV.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021. 
Room X, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. September 2021.

Room X, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room 2, with remains of painted plaster on east wall.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. December 2006. Room X, with remains of painted plaster on east wall.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017. 
Looking north through entrance doorway XIV towards west side of portico VII, with doorway to room X, on right. 
Photo courtesy of Adrian Hielscher.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. April 2017.

Looking north through entrance doorway XIV towards west side of portico VII, with doorway to room X, on right.

Photo courtesy of Adrian Hielscher.


Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021. 
Looking north-east across portico VII, with west portico on left, and south portico on right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

Villa Regina, Boscoreale. October 2021.

Looking north-east across portico VII, with west portico on left, and south portico on right. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.



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The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 17-Sep-2024 19:37