
VII.5.12 Pompeii. Forum Baths. Entrance to baths courtyard and portico from Vicolo delle Terme.

Excavated 1823. (Now part of modern restaurant).


Other parts of the baths:   VII.5.2      VII.5.7      VII.5.8      VII.5.10     VII.5.24      VII.6.17      VII.6.18      Forum Baths Plan


VII.5.12 Pompeii. September 2005. Entrance (3 on plan) leading to bath’s portico, courtyard and to men’s baths.
According to Niccolini (see plan) there were:
A comfort area with latrine (4).
The baths courtyard (5) with a portico (7) and stone benches (8).
An oecus or exedra (9)
A corridor (13) leading to the men’s changing room (14).
A corridor (10) leading to a small latrine (11) and the entrance (12) on the Via del Foro (VII.5.24).  
See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli.

VII.5.12 Pompeii. September 2005. Entrance (3 on plan) leading to bath’s portico, courtyard and to men’s baths.

According to Niccolini (see plan) there were:

A comfort area with latrine (4).

The baths courtyard (5) with a portico (7) and stone benches (8).

An oecus or exedra (9)

A corridor (13) leading to the men’s changing room (14).

A corridor (10) leading to a small latrine (11) and the entrance (12) on the Via del Foro (VII.5.24).  

See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli.


Vicolo delle Terme, east side. May 2010. Rear entrance of modern restaurant at VII.5.13

Vicolo delle Terme, east side. May 2010. Looking towards rear entrance of modern restaurant at VII.5.13 (in centre).

The large stone in the roadway, on the left of the photo, would have led to the doorway to the garden of VII.5.12.

According to Fiorelli-

VII.5.12. And then comes the doorway to the garden of the Men’s Baths, preceded in the roadway by one of those large stones which give access passing from one side to the other of the roadway.

(“E vien dopo la porta del giardino del bagno virile, preceduta nella via da una di quelle grandi pietre che ne facilitano l’accesso, dando passaggio da uno all’altro margine.”)

See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.96).



Other parts of the baths:   VII.5.2      VII.5.7      VII.5.8      VII.5.10      VII.5.24      VII.6.17      VII.6.18      Forum Baths Plan





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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 02-Aug-2023 21:11