
VGSC Pompeii. Tombs at Porta Vesuvio. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.


VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.

VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.


VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.

VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.


VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.

VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.


VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens. 
The Cippus has a latin inscription reading -
Ex auctoritate 
imp(eratoris) Caesaris 
Vespasiani Aug(usti)
loca publica,
a privatis possessa T(itus) Suedius 
Clemens tribunus causis cognitis 
Et mensuris factis rei publicae
Pompeianorum restituit  
This translates as -
By virtue of authority conferred upon him by the Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus, 
Titus Suedius Clemens, tribune, having investigated the facts and taken measurements,
restored to the citizens of Pompeii public places illegally appropriated by private persons.
Similar Cippi were found at the Porta Ercolano, Porta Marina and the Porta Nocera.  The wording “rei publicae Pompeianorum” on one of these, discovered in 1763, was the first positive identification that the site was Pompeii.  Until then scholars had divided opinions on the city buried under Civita.  Many, including the first official excavators, thought it was the ancient city of Stabiae. See Conticello, B., Ed, 1990. Rediscovering Pompeii. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p. 225).

VGSC Pompeii Porta Vesuvio. May 2006. Cippus of Titus Suedius Clemens.

The Cippus has a Latin inscription reading -


Ex auctoritate

imp(eratoris) Caesaris

Vespasiani Aug(usti)

loca publica,

a privatis possessa T(itus) Suedius

Clemens tribunus causis cognitis

Et mensuris factis rei publicae

Pompeianorum restituit 


This translates as -

By virtue of authority conferred upon him by the Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus,

Titus Suedius Clemens, tribune, having investigated the facts and taken measurements,

restored to the citizens of Pompeii public places illegally appropriated by private persons.


Similar Cippi were found at the Porta Ercolano, Porta Marina and the Porta Nocera.

The wording “rei publicae Pompeianorum” on one of these, discovered in 1763, was the first positive identification that the site was Pompeii.

Until then scholars had divided opinions on the city buried under Cività.  Many, including the first official excavators, thought it was the ancient city of Stabiae.

See Conticello, B., Ed, 1990. Rediscovering Pompeii. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p. 225).






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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 20-Sep-2021 13:32