
III.4.1 Pompeii. Taberna vasaria of Zosimus. Pottery.

Southern part of insula excavated 1916. Back entrance at III.4.a.


The west wall was badly affected by the collapse of the wall and roof of III.3.6 in November 2010.


Part 2      Part 1


III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking towards north wall.

III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking towards north wall.

According to Della Corte, “Here Zosimus sold terracotta pots, especially those for sauces of pickled fish. (Vasa faecaria)”.

See Della Corte, M. (1952). Piccola Guida di Pompei. (p.42)


III.4.1 Pompeii. October 2017. Looking towards north wall of workshop, with doorway and window to rear room.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

III.4.1 Pompeii. October 2017. Looking towards north wall of workshop, with doorway and window to rear room.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009.  Doorway and window in north wall.

III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway and window to rear room in north wall.


III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009.  West wall of room, with painted plaster.

III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009. West wall of rear room, with painted plaster.


III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005.  Doorway and window in north wall.

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005. Doorway and window to rear room in north wall.


III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009.  Painted plaster in north east corner of room.

III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009. Painted plaster in north-east corner of room.


III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005. Painted plaster in north-east corner of room.

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005. Painted plaster in north-east corner of room.


III.4.1 Pompeii. 1927. Graffiti records found in the middle of the east wall of the room on the north side of workshop and with which it was linked.
See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichitŕ, 1927, (p. 99)

III.4.1 Pompeii. 1927. Graffiti records found in the middle of the east wall of the room on the north side of workshop and with which it was linked.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichitŕ, 1927, (p. 99)


III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009.  North and East walls with small room.

III.4.1 Pompeii. March 2009. North and east walls with small room.


III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005. North and East walls with small room.

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2005. North and east walls with small rooms on east side of workshop.


III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2007. Front exterior wall with blocked doorway to steps to upper floor. On the west side of the blocked doorway, between III.4.1 and 2, were found CIL IV 7679 and 7680.
The small amount of plaster remaining on the left of the blocked doorway marks the spot. See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.254)
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), these read as -
Gavium  aed(ilem) 
 Marcellus  Praenestinam  amat 
 Et  non  curatur       [CIL IV 7679]
L(ucium)  C(aecilium)  C(apellam)  IIvir(um)       [CIL IV 7680]

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2007. Front exterior wall with blocked doorway to steps to upper floor.

On the west side of the blocked doorway, between III.4.1 and 2, were found CIL IV 7679 and 7680.

The small amount of plaster remaining on the left of the blocked doorway marks the spot.

See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.254)


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), these read as -


Gavium  aed(ilem)

Marcellus  Praenestinam  amat

Et  non  curatur       [CIL IV 7679]

L(ucium)  C(aecilium)  C(apellam)  IIvir(um)       [CIL IV 7680]

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2007. Front exterior wall between III.4.1 and 2, on the east (right-hand) side of the blocked doorway. Glass protection above unreadable graffito CIL IV 7994. See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.260-1)
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), this read as -
Par(ia)  XLIX  familia  Capinia  muneri[bus] 
Augustorum  pug(nabit)  Puteol(is)  a(nte)  d(iem)  [IV Idus Maias] 
pr(idie)  Mai(as)  et  XVII  XV  K(alendas)  Iu[n(ias)] 
vela  erunt  Magus       [CIL IV 7994]
According to Cooley, this was originally painted in red letters and translates as - 49 pairs. The Capinian troupe will fight at the games of the Augusti at Puteoli on (12), 14, 16 and 18 May. There will be awnings. Magus (wrote this). See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii : A Sourcebook. London : Routledge. (p. 57).

III.4.1 Pompeii. December 2007. Front exterior wall between III.4.1 and 2, on the east (right-hand) side of the blocked doorway.

Glass protection above unreadable graffito CIL IV 7994.

See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.260-1)


III.4.1 Pompeii. 
Found painted in red letters on 2nd September 1916 on east (right-hand) side of blocked doorway between III.4.1 and III.4.2 (that is on the west (left-hand) side of III.4.2.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1927, (p.91, no.10) and Notizie degli Scavi, 1917, (p.259, no.7.)

III.4.1 Pompeii.

Found painted in red letters on 2nd September 1916 on east (right-hand) side of blocked doorway between III.4.1 and III.4.2 (that is on the west (left-hand) side of III.4.2.

See Notizie degli Scavi, 1927, (p.91, no.10) and Notizie degli Scavi, 1917, (p.259, no.7.)


III.4.1 Pompeii. Expanded inscription on east (right-hand) side of blocked doorway between III.4.1 and III.4.2 (that is on the west (left-hand) side of III.4.2.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1927, (p.91, no.10).

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), this read as -

Par(ia) XLIX familia Capinia muneri[bus] 
Augustorum pug(nabit) Puteol(is) a(nte) d(iem) [IV Idus Maias] 
pr(idie) Mai(as) et XVII XV K(alendas) Iu[n(ias)] 
vela erunt Magus       [CIL IV 7994]

According to Cooley, this was originally painted in red letters and translates as -
49 pairs. The Capinian troupe will fight at the games of the Augusti at Puteoli on (12), 14, 16 and 18 May. There will be awnings. Magus (wrote this).
See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge. (p. 57).

III.4.1 Pompeii. Expanded inscription on east (right-hand) side of blocked doorway between III.4.1 and III.4.2 (that is on the west (left-hand) side of III.4.2.

See Notizie degli Scavi, 1927, (p.91, no.10).


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), this read as -


Par(ia) XLIX familia Capinia muneri[bus]

Augustorum pug(nabit) Puteol(is) a(nte) d(iem) [IV Idus Maias]

pr(idie) Mai(as) et XVII XV K(alendas) Iu[n(ias)]

vela erunt Magus       [CIL IV 7994]


According to Cooley, this was originally painted in red letters and translates as -

49 pairs. The Capinian troupe will fight at the games of the Augusti at Puteoli on (12), 14, 16 and 18 May. There will be awnings. Magus (wrote this).

See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge. (p. 57).


III.3.6 Pompeii, Vicolo di Ifigenia and III.4.1, with metal buckled “PompeiViva” new gates. November 2010.

III.3.6 Pompeii, Vicolo di Ifigenia and III.4.1, with metal buckled “PompeiViva” new gates. November 2010.


III.3.6 Pompeii, Vicolo di Ifigenia and III.4.1 (with buckled metal gate). November 2010.  After collapse of wall and roof of III.3.6.

III.3.6 Pompeii, Vicolo di Ifigenia and III.4.1 (with buckled metal gate). November 2010. After collapse of wall and roof of III.3.6.


III.4.1 Pompeii, on right. June 2012. Looking west along Via dell’Abbondanza with site of III.4.1 on its north side, on the right. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

III.4.1 Pompeii, on right. June 2012.

Looking west along Via dell’Abbondanza with site of III.4.1 on its north side, on the right. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


III.4.1 Pompeii. February 2011.
Looking west along Via dell’Abbondanza to III.4.1 and III.3.6. Photo courtesy of Guy de la Bedoyere.

III.4.1 Pompeii. February 2011.

Looking west along Via dell’Abbondanza to III.4.1 and III.3.6. Photo courtesy of Guy de la Bedoyere.


III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking north towards Vicolo di Ifigenia, and III.4.1, on right.

III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking north towards Vicolo di Ifigenia, and III.4.1, on right.


III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking east across Vicolo di Ifigenia towards west wall being restored.

III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking east across Vicolo di Ifigenia towards covered west wall.


III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking towards site of west wall, and north-west corner with niche.

III.4.1 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking towards site of west wall, and north-west corner with niche.



Part 1





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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione puň considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 03-May-2022 21:54