
I.4.25 Pompeii. Domus L. Rapinasi Optati and I.4.5 Casa del Citarista or House of the Citharist or Casa di Apollo citaredo or House of the Lyre Player or Domus L Popidius Secundus (Augustianus).

Linked to 1.4.5 and I.4.28. Excavated 1853-1861, 1868, 1872 and 1929.

Middle peristyle 17, rooms 45, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, and 31, (14, 16, 15, 18 are in Middle 17, West). 


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8


Entrance Atrium 47      Atrium 6 West      Lower Peristyle      Middle Peristyle      Middle Peristyle West      Upper Peristyle      Service and Baths areas


We have combined the pictures of I.4.5 and 1.4.25 here.  Combined room plan


I.4.25 Pompeii. May 2019. Detail from model in Naples Archaeological Museum.
Rooms on east side of Middle Peristyle 17, large room 21, in centre, with arched opening. 
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. May 2019. Detail from model in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Rooms on east side of Middle Peristyle 17, large room 21, in centre, with arched opening.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. May 2019. Detail from model in Naples Archaeological Museum.
Rooms on east side of Middle Peristyle 17, large room 21, in centre, with arched opening. 
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. May 2019. Detail from model in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Rooms on east side of Middle Peristyle 17, large room 21, in centre, with arched opening.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 21, arched entrance to the oecus of the Judgement of Paris.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 21, arched entrance to the oecus of the Judgement of Paris.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. Room 21, view from oecus of the Judgement of Paris through arch into middle peristyle.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. Room 21, view from oecus of the Judgement of Paris through arch into middle peristyle.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. View from middle peristyle through arch into room 21.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. View from middle peristyle through arch into room 21.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, looking towards east wall with doorways to room 22, on left, 23 in centre, and 24, centre right.
On the right are the doorways to Corridor 25, leading to I.4.28, and to room 30.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, looking towards east wall with doorways to room 22, on left, 23 in centre, and 24, centre right.

On the right are the doorways to Corridor 25, leading to I.4.28, and to room 30.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. Room 21, view across oecus of the Judgement of Paris.
There are doors to two cubiculum and a storeroom or apotheca at rear. Doors to a corridor and to a triclinium are to the right.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2006. Room 21, view across oecus of the Judgement of Paris.

There are doors to two cubiculum and a storeroom or apotheca at rear. Doors to a corridor and to a triclinium are to the right.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 21, looking towards north wall, with doorway to antechamber of room 20, on left.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 21, looking towards north wall, with doorway to antechamber of room 20, on left.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, north wall with doorway to room 22, on right.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, north wall with doorway to room 22, on right.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, detail of upper north wall.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, detail of upper north wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. Pre-1942. 
Room 21, looking towards the north wall where the painting of the Judgement of Paris was removed to the Museum.
See Warscher, T. 1942. Catalogo illustrato degli affreschi del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Sala LXXIX. Vol.1. Rome, Swedish Institute.

I.4.25 Pompeii. Pre-1942.

Room 21, looking towards the north wall where the painting of the Judgement of Paris was removed to the Museum.

See Warscher, T. 1942. Catalogo illustrato degli affreschi del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Sala LXXIX. Vol.1. Rome, Swedish Institute.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2004. 
Room 21, reproduction of painting of the Judgement of Paris on north wall of oecus.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 120033.
Paris is listening to Mercury in the presence of the three goddesses. 
Minerva and Venus are standing with Juno in the middle sitting on her throne.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2004.

Room 21, reproduction of painting of the Judgement of Paris on north wall of oecus.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 120033.

Paris is listening to Mercury in the presence of the three goddesses.

Minerva and Venus are standing with Juno in the middle sitting on her throne.


I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21. 
19th century photograph no. 198 of painting of the Judgement of Paris on north wall of oecus.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 120033.
Photo courtesy of Espen B. Andersson.

I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21.

19th century photograph no. 198 of painting of the Judgement of Paris on north wall of oecus.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 120033.

Photo courtesy of Espen B. Andersson.


I.4.25 Pompeii. Stereoview by Sommer, entitled Judgement of Paris. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

I.4.25 Pompeii. Stereoview by Sommer, entitled Judgement of Paris. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21, north wall of oecus. 
Drawing by Nicola La Volpe, 18th December 1865, of painting of Judgement of Paris, from north wall.
See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, (1286).
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 19.
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21, north wall of oecus.

Drawing by Nicola La Volpe, 18th December 1865, of painting of Judgement of Paris, from north wall.

See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, (1286).

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 19.

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21, painted flying Vittoria from a wall of oecus. 
Drawing by Nicola La Volpe, of a painting left in situ, and now faded and disappeared.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 20.
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

I.4.25 Pompeii. Room 21, painted flying Vittoria from a wall of oecus.

Drawing by Nicola La Volpe, of a painting left in situ, and now faded and disappeared.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 20.

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 21, looking towards north-east corner and east wall.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 21, looking towards north-east corner and east wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2004. Room 21, oecus of the Judgement of Paris. Doorways to rooms 22, 23, and 24 on the east side.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2004. Room 21, oecus of the Judgement of Paris. Doorways to rooms 22, 23, and 24 on the east side.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, doorway to room 22, in north-east corner.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 21, doorway to room 22, in north-east corner.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, doorway threshold.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, doorway threshold from room 21.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards east wall from entrance doorway.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards east wall from entrance doorway.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 22, looking towards east wall of cubiculum at rear of oecus.

I.4.25 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 22, looking towards east wall of cubiculum at rear of oecus.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, looking north-east from entrance doorway.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, looking north-east from entrance doorway.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 2, looking towards north wall. 
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 2, looking towards north wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards west wall.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards west wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, looking south towards entrance doorway in west wall.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, looking south towards entrance doorway in west wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards south wall.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. October 2019. Room 22, looking towards south wall.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, detail from west wall above entrance doorway.
Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.4.25 Pompeii. September 2020. Room 22, detail from west wall above entrance doorway.

Foto Tobias Busen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR. 



Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8


Entrance Atrium 47      Atrium 6 West      Lower Peristyle      Middle Peristyle      Middle Peristyle West      Upper Peristyle      Service and Baths areas


Combined room plan




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 19-Sep-2024 13:53