
IX.7.4 Pompeii. Shop. Partly excavated 1912.


IX.7.4 Pompeii. May 2024. Looking north to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.7.4 Pompeii. May 2024. Looking north to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.4 Pompeii. October 2023. Entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.7.4 Pompeii. October 2023. Entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.4 Pompeii. December 2018. 
Looking north to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

IX.7.4 Pompeii. December 2018.

Looking north to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


IX.7.4 Shop

IX.7.4 Pompeii. May 2006. Entrance doorway.


IX.7.4 Pompeii. December 2007. Graffito to the left of the entrance. 
According to Della Corte, we do not know what industry or commerce was carried on here, but Sergio Felice worked here. On the pilaster to the left of the entrance, the graffitoed recommendation can still be read – Sergius Felix rog(at)  [CIL IV 7829] with note 2, which said that this was the first epigraph testimonial found for the pompeianan family of Sergia.  See Della Corte, M., 1965.  Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p.281)
According to Varone and Stefani, graffiti CIL IV 7829 and 7830 were found on the west of the entrance – Only part of CIL IV 7829 is conserved. See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.394-5)
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), they read as –
A(ulum)  Vettium 
Firmum  aed(ilem) 
o(ro)  v(os)  f(aciatis)  dig(num)  est 
Sergius  Felix  rog(at)       [CIL IV 7829]
Caplam  IIv(irum)       [CIL IV 7830]

IX.7.4 Pompeii. December 2007. Graffito to the left of the entrance.

According to Della Corte, we do not know what industry or commerce was carried on here, but Sergio Felice worked here.

On the pilaster to the left of the entrance, the graffitied recommendation can still be read –

Sergius Felix rog(at)  [CIL IV 7829] with note 2, which said that this was the first epigraph testimonial found for the Pompeiani family of Sergia.

See Della Corte, M., 1965. Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p.281)


According to Varone and Stefani, graffiti CIL IV 7829 and 7830 were found on the west of the entrance.

Only part of CIL IV 7829 is conserved.

See Varone, A. and Stefani, G., 2009. Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider, (p.394-5)


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), they read as –


A(ulum)  Vettium


Firmum  aed(ilem)

o(ro)  v(os)  f(aciatis)  dig(num)  est

Sergius  Felix  rog(at)       [CIL IV 7829]


Caplam  IIv(irum)       [CIL IV 7830]


IX.7.4   (partly excavated )

IX.7.4 September 2005

IX.7.4 Pompeii. September 2005. Facade under restoration.






The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 10-Jun-2024 21:25