
Herculaneum Maps, Plans, Guides

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Herculaneum      Pompeii      Bay of Naples


Herculaneum 1742

Herculaneum 1742

Plan of Herculaneum by Bardet 1742, then Weber, then published by Bonucci.

Herculaneum 1743

Herculaneum 1743

Plan of Herculaneum by Bardet dated 7th July 1743

Herculaneum Theatre 1747

Herculaneum Theatre 1747

Plan of Herculaneum Theatre, drawn at Portici, 20th March 1747, attributed to De Alcubierre. Published in Bullettino Archeologico Italiano, Anno Primo, 1862, Tav III. For details and the key see Num. 5, Luglio 1861, p. 33-5.

Herculaneum Theatre 1750-1

Herculaneum Theatre 1750-1

Sketch plan of Herculaneum Theatre drawn in 1750-1 by Jerome-Charles Bellicard in his notebook, p.3. Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA. See Metropolitan Museum Journal 25.

Herculaneum Theatre 1754

Herculaneum Theatre 1754

Plan of Herculaneum Theatre with orginal well hole that found it in centre by Bellicard 1754.

Herculaneum Theatre 1754, redrawn 1908

Herculaneum Theatre 1754, redrawn 1908

Plan of the Herculaneum Theatre "after Cochin and Bellicard 1754" by Ethel Ross Barker in Buried Herculaneum 1908, plan 3.

Herculaneum 1758 Villa dei Papyri

Herculaneum 1758 Villa dei Papyri

Karl Weber's 1758 plan of Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni (Villa dei Papyri), Herculaneum. Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Herculaneum Theatre 1782

Herculaneum Theatre 1782

Plan of Herculaneum Theatre from Saint Non J., Voyage pitoresque Ou description Des Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile: Tome second, 1782.

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Icnografia del piano di terra del teatro e della scena stabile

Plan of the theatre at Herculaneum, first of three by Francesco Piranesi published in 1783 in Teatro di Ercolano, Tav I.

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Iconografia della prima precinzione del teatro, dell' orchestra con suoi gradini; e del pulpito, della scena, e sue parti

Plan of the theatre at Herculaneum, second of three by Francesco Piranesi published in 1783 in Teatro di Ercolano, Tav II.

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Herculaneum Theatre 1783

Icnografia di ambedue le precinzioni de grandini, e della scena stabile, e mobile

Plan of the theatre at Herculaneum, third of three by Francesco Piranesi published in 1783 in Teatro di Ercolano, Tav III.

Herculaneum 1794

Herculaneum 1794

Plan of Herculaneum and area by P. and F. La Vega, 1794.

Herculaneum 1794

Herculaneum 1794

Plan of Herculaneum area by P. and F. La Vega, published in 1797 by C. M. Rosini in Dissertationis Isagogicae ad Hercvlanensivm Volvminvm Explanationem: Pars Prima.

Herculaneum c.1800

Herculaneum 1796

Plan of Herculaneum by F. La Vega, 1796. From Ruggiero M, Storia degli scavi di Ercolano, 1885, Tav. 2 Inset.

Herculaneum c.1800

Herculaneum 1796

Plan of Herculaneum by F. La Vega, 1796. From Ruggiero M, Storia degli scavi di Ercolano, 1885, Tav. 2.

Herculaneum 1800-1810

Herculaneum 1800-1810

Plan of Herculaneum of around 1800 to 1810 by Francesco La Vega (1737-1815). Photo courtesy of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.

Herculaneum c.1800

Herculaneum c.1800

Plan of Herculaneum c.1800 by F. La Vega. Photo Wikimedia.


Herculaneum 1811

Herculaneum 1811

Plan of Herculaneum in 1811 from Romanelli Viaggio a Pompei. 1811.

Herculaneum 1827

Herculaneum 1827

Plan of Herculaneum published by De Jorio, Notizie su gli scavi di Ercolano, 1827.

Portici e Resina e del sottoposto Ercolano 1827

Portici e Resina e del sottoposto Ercolano 1827

Plan of Portici and Resina and the underlying Herculaneum. De Jorio, Notizie su gli scavi di Ercolano, 1827, tav II.

Herculaneum 1832

Herculaneum 1832

Plan of Herculaneum published by De Jorio in La mimica degli antichi investigata nel Gestire Napolitano, 1832.

Herculaneum 1834

Herculaneum 1834

Plan of Herculaneum in 1834 showing tunnelled areas (in orange) and excavated areas (in yellow). Number1 is the Theatre. Number 2 is the Basilica. Number 3 is the Villa dei Papyri.

Herculaneum 1836

Herculaneum 1836

Plan published by Erasmo Pistolesi, in Real Museo Borbonico Descritto ed Illustrato, 1836, Tav. I.

Herculaneum 1858

Herculaneum 1858

Plan of Herculaneum in frontespiece of Castrucci G. Tesoro letterario di Ercolano, ossia, la reale officina dei papiri ercolanesi, 1858, Tav I.

Herculaneum 1858

Herculaneum 1858

Plan of Herculaneum. Portici and Resina also showing the ancient coast and territory at the time of Emperor Titus, before the AD79 eruption.

From Castrucci G. Tesoro letterario di Ercolano, ossia, la reale officina dei papiri ercolanesi, 1858, Tav XXIII.

Herculaneum 1858

Herculaneum 1858

Plan of Herculaneum, Resina, San Jorio (San Giorgio a Cremano in ancient literature) and Granatello.

From Castrucci G. Tesoro letterario di Ercolano, ossia, la reale officina dei papiri ercolanesi, 1858, Tav XXIV.

Herculaneum 1875

Herculaneum 1875

Plan of Herculaneum showing discoveries from 1828 to 1875, produced in 1885 by Tascone. From Ruggiero M, Storia degli scavi di Ercolano ricomposta su' documenti superstiti, 1885.

Herculaneum 1879 Villa dei Papyri

Herculaneum 1879 Villa dei Papyri

Plan of Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni (Villa dei Papyri), Herculaneum 1879 by De Petra.

Herculaneum 1879

Herculaneum 1879

Plan of Herculaneum in 1879 by J. Beloch, English version. Beloch J. Campanien, 1879.

Ercolano 1879

Ercolano 1879

Pianta di Ercolano nel 1879 da J. Beloch, versione italiano. Beloch J., Campanien, 1879.

Herculaneum 1883 Villa dei Papyri

Herculaneum 1883 Villa dei Papyri

Plan of Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni (Villa dei Papyri), Herculaneum 1883. Comparetti D., de Petra G., La Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni, 1883, tav. XXIV.

Herculaneum and Resina 1885

Herculaneum and Resina 1885

Plan of Herculaneum in relation to the city of Resina. Ruggiero M., Storia degli scavi di Ercolano ricomposta su' documenti superstiti, 1885.

Herculaneum 1906

Herculaneum 1906

Plan of Herculaneum in 1906 by Thomas Hughes after di Jorio who borrowed it from other writers.

Herculaneum 1908

Herculaneum 1908

Plan of the Herculaneum "after La Vega and Dall'Osso" by Ethel Ross Barker in Buried Herculaneum 1908, plan 2.

Herculaneum 1908 Villa dei Papyri

Herculaneum 1908 Villa dei Papyri

Plan of Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni (Villa dei Papyri), Herculaneum 1908 (modified from 1883 plan by Comparetti and de Petra). From Waldstein C., Herculaneum Past, Present and future, 1908

Herculaneum 1913

Herculaneum 1913

Plan of Herculaneum in 1913 after Ruggiero and Beloch. Photo Project Gutenberg, Ancient Town-Planning, by F. Haverfield, 1913, fig. 19.

Herculaneum 1932 Villa dei Papyri

Herculaneum 1932 Villa dei Papyri

Based on mid 1700s plan by Karl Weber, of Herculaneum Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni (Villa dei Papyri). Published by Maiuri in 1932.

Herculaneum Excavation dates

Herculaneum Excavation Dates to 1980s

Plan of Herculaneum showing excavation dates. Courtesy of Archaeology Bulletin. See https://www.archaeologybulletin.org/articles/10.5334/bha-625/

Herculaneum 2007

Herculaneum 2007

Plan of Herculaneum in 2007 superimposed on present town. Photo Courtesy of John Dobbins and Pedar Foss, World of Pompeii, DVD.

Herculanum and Torre Annunziata 2008 World Heritage Zones

Herculanum and Torre Annunziata 2008 World Heritage Zones

Plan of Herculanum and Torre Annunziata 2008 UNESCO world heritage zones.

Herculaneum 2009

Herculaneum 2009

Plan of Herculaneum in 2009 showing sequence of excavations. From Wikispaces.

Herculaneum 2009

Herculaneum 2009

Plan of Herculaneum in 2009. From Wikispaces.

Herculaneum 2011

Herculaneum 2011

Plan of Herculaneum in 2011.

Herculaneum now

Herculaneum now

Plan of Herculaneum excavated area as seen on a sign at the archeological site. Photo Wikimedia AlMare.

Herculaneum Plan

Herculaneum Plan

Plan of Herculaneum date unknown. Photo Wikimedia.

Herculaneum 2015

Herculaneum 2015

Official Soprintendenza 2015 tourist plan.

More Plans

If you have a plan which we could add to this page please email it to us, along with any details.


Soprintendenza: Guida, guide, guia, Leitfaden:

Brief Guide to Herculaneum            English 

Piccola guida agli scavi di Ercolano   Italiano  

Pequeña guía de Herculano             Espanol 

Petit guide d'Herculanum                Francais 

Kurzer Leitfaden zur Besichtigung von Herkulaneum        Deutsch







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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 03-Jun-2024 21:24