
Pompeii Casts. Victim 81 found outside Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man.


Porta Capua 2002. Victim 81. The Shackled Man.
The body of a young man of 20-25 years, who may have been shackled, found outside of the Porta Capua. 
He had been fleeing at the time of the eruption in AD 79 when he was overcome by one of the hot gas surges.
He had an iron ring around each ankle. The inner diameter of these as drawn is now c. 100mm but may have originally been larger as they appear to have a thick corrosion crust. 
These unfortunately do not appear to have been X-radiographed and so there is no way of telling whether they are formal shackles or rings. 
Both have a pronounced thickening at one point, possibly suggesting shackles.
See Etani, H., Niwa, Y., Sakai, S., Shigematsu, Y. and Iorio, V. 2003-4. ‘La campagna di scavo del Japan Institute of Paleological Studies di Kyoto del 2002’, Opuscula Pompeiannia 12, p. 125-37, p. 128, Foto 5-8.
See Etani, H. (ed.) 2010. Pompeii. Report on the Excavations at Porta Capua 1993-2005, The Paleological Association of Japan, Inc., Kyoto, Fig. 58 no. 1.
See Cool H. E. M., 2006, revised 2015. Selected Roman Small Finds from the Cemetery at nos. 3 and 6 Driffield Terrace, York. York Archaeological Trust.
Found outside the northern wall at tower IX. This is now believed to be an adult male of over 20 years old, probably 20 to 25 years old.
The victim was found a few metres from another body (Victim number 80) a similar partial cast was obtained from this.
See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 507, Calco n. 81.

Porta Capua 2002. Victim 81. The Shackled Man.

The body of a young man of 20-25 years, who may have been shackled, found outside of the Porta Capua.

He had been fleeing at the time of the eruption in AD 79 when he was overcome by one of the hot gas surges.

He had an iron ring around each ankle. The inner diameter of these as drawn is now c. 100mm but may have originally been larger as they appear to have a thick corrosion crust.

These unfortunately do not appear to have been X-radiographed and so there is no way of telling whether they are formal shackles or rings.

Both have a pronounced thickening at one point, possibly suggesting shackles.

See Etani, H., Niwa, Y., Sakai, S., Shigematsu, Y. and Iorio, V. 2003-4. La campagna di scavo del Japan Institute of Paleological Studies di Kyoto del 2002’, Opuscula Pompeiannia 12, p. 125-37, p. 128, Foto 5-8.

See Etani, H. (ed.) 2010. Pompeii. Report on the Excavations at Porta Capua 1993-2005, The Paleological Association of Japan, Inc., Kyoto, Fig. 58 no. 1.

See Cool H. E. M., 2006, revised 2015. Selected Roman Small Finds from the Cemetery at nos. 3 and 6 Driffield Terrace, York. York Archaeological Trust.

Found outside the northern wall at tower IX. This is now believed to be an adult male of over 20 years old, probably 20 to 25 years old.

The victim was found a few metres from another body (Victim number 80) a similar partial cast was obtained from this.

See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 507, Calco n. 81.


Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man. The exhibition card says:
The shackles on this man's ankles identify him – even so long after death – as a criminal or a slave, left behind when others fled Pompeii.
He had struggled to reach one of the town gates when the pyroclastic surge overtook him.
Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum. September 2009.

Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man. The exhibition card says:

The shackles on this man's ankles identify him – even so long after death – as a criminal or a slave, left behind when others fled Pompeii.

He had struggled to reach one of the town gates when the pyroclastic surge overtook him.

Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum. September 2009.


Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man. Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum.  September 2009.

Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man. Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum. September 2009.


Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man in a group of casts of other victims. 
Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum.  September 2009.

Porta Capua 2002. The Shackled Man in a group of casts of other victims.

Photographed at “A Day in Pompeii” exhibition at Melbourne Museum.  September 2009.





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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 11-Feb-2024 23:20